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Shop Sync

What is Shop Sync?

Shop Sync Automated dropshipping is using technology to do tasks that you’d usually have to do manually when running a dropshipping business.

Shop Sync is a bridging system for users to connect their Dropship Murah account to either their Lazada or Shopee store.

The purpose of automation is to minimize the number of repetitive tasks you have to do, so you can focus on what’s most important.

Dropship automation is typically achieved by utilizing apps and software, many of which are free, that are designed to do specific jobs for you.

Automating parts of your dropshipping business can help you to free up time, avoid burnout, scale faster, and make more money.

How does it work?

Make sure you have registered a seller account from your Lazada, Shopee, account and login with Dropship Murah Account.

Why Shop Sync?

We use this specifically so that users are able to view their recently synced items in their account. This is to prevent double syncing. Users are also able to immediately edit the price before they sync items to their Lazada & Shopee. Product quantity will also be updated once a day.